IKEA & Dreamworks
Music, Voice, & Sound
Branded Video Series For LATTJO, a children's product line by IKEA.
Animation by Dreamworks
Channel info
Howto & Style
LATTJO puzzle, Ernst the Eagle, Fairy Tango, Bat squad, Lattjo Bowling Puzzle, puzzle, Royal Kiss, ants, haunted house of cards, intro, Ronny the Robot, stop motion, Snack time with wiz, Ester, IKEA, ghost archery with mu, Play, underworld, Garden, Importance of play, Royal King, wizard, Water, Mu the Mummy, DreamWorks Animation, music, DreamWorks Animation (Production Company), Morning Music, Ghost, PLAY, Impotance of play, Lattjo Marbles, Lattjo worlds, IKEA & DreamWorks, Ernst the eagle, ghost archery, The LATTJO world, dominos, under world, teaser, DreamWorks animation, Thirst, Dog, Cake, LATTJO dominos, Lattjo Eagle Costume, Cat, Hot day, Fetch, Viktor the Vampire, Lattjo Memory Game, Love, Funhouse, Fair, LATTJO, Puzzle, LATTJO animals, Lattjo Robot Costume, mu, Dreamworks Animation, March of the ants, Lattjo Deck of Cards, Haunted House, Viktor Vampier, Root Queen, Wiz

Welcome to the world of LATTJO

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Get to know the LATTJO world and the characters living in it! Anything can happen – and it usually does. Ernst the Eagle is scared of heights and the go-getter Root Queen is stuck with a security team of bats. In the funhouse a quirky wizard trying to create spells to make play happen, and a vegetarian vampire who prefers board games is forced to manage Mu, a 7 year old newly set free hyperactive mummy extremely eager to play tag. We believe in the importance of play for everyone, and we want to inspire children and grownups to play more. Through play we explore, experiment, dream and discover. We say ’yes to play’ and encourage others to do so as well. We have more things to come – so stay tuned. Welcome to the LATTJO world!Howto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, Play, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, teaser
Day at the Fair

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Are you a roller coaster fan or not? It seems that Ernst the Eagle is not, and Ester is. How will they manage a whole day at the fair together? Discover the rest of the LATTJO world by following our adventures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #LATTJOHowto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, Lattjo Eagle Costume, Ernst the Eagle, Ester, Fair

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So you are probably wondering what exactly is LATTJO? Well LATTJO means crazy silly fun and it is our goal to encourage organic play, and inspire families to truly value this time spent together. Whether it’s that hour before bedtime or those minutes before school, Playtime is anytime. So let’s LATTJO.Howto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Puzzle
Welcome to the garden

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Join us and take a walk around the Garden. Anchored by a large tree and surrounding ponds, the garden is home to all things in the LATTJO universe. The Garden serves as the portal to all of the other LATTJO worlds- so watch where you step. You never know where you might end up.Howto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, The LATTJO world, Garden
Welcome to the funhouse!

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An open, bottomless toy box where unbridled creativity and imagination run free. In this world, you become the architect - whether it’s a race car, a space ship, a castle or a laboratory - it can morph and transform into anything your imagination dreams up!Howto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, Funhouse
Snack time with wiz

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We love to laugh! Don’t you? Meet the Wizard and Cat. They both love to play silly games with one another- especially during snack time. Wiz is extremely quirky, and he loves to cast spells that make play happen. Although he tries with the best intentions, sometimes he gets his formulas mixed up and the results can be a bit… messy. Thankfully, he has Cat - the brains of the operation and the wizard’s wonderful sidekick. There is never a dull moment with these two and together they add a whole lot of laughter to the LATTJO universe.Howto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, Snack time with wiz, wizard
Ernst Meets Ester

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Ernst is a naïve young bird that has never had the experience of flight due to his fear of heights. However, after being inadvertently put in charge of Ester, a rambunctious egg, Ernst discovers a bigger world beyond his comfort-zone. Discover the rest of the LATTJO stories by following our adventures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #LATTJOHowto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Ernst the eagle

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Step down into the underworld! In this dark, yet luminous world everything is not exactly how it seems, the underworld is filled with hidden treasures waiting to be discovered. Meet Mu the Mummy, Viktor the vegetarian vampire and lots of other crazy characters!Howto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, underworld, under world, intro, Lattjo worlds
Ghost archery with Mu

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Gunni, Gloria and Gerda are a ghostly trio that can transform into anything to help make play happen. This is great news for their friend Mu the Mummy, who has been cooped up in a tomb for centuries and just wants to run around and play!Howto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, ghost archery with mu, mu, ghost archery
Haunted house of cards

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Sometimes things don’t always go as planned, but that doesn’t stop Viktor the Vampire from having a good laugh.Howto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, haunted house of cards
LATTJO Dominoes

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Sometimes the journey is the most rewarding part of the destination especially when you play with dominos. Discover the rest of the LATTJO stories by following our adventures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #LATTJOHowto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, LATTJO dominos, dominos, stop motion
Royal Kiss

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The Royals are a dysfunctional family of wooden peg people that can transform into any character to suit the game they want to play. Watch as they have a little fun playing their favorite game of all – Chess.Howto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation (Production Company), IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, Royal Kiss, Love
March of the Ants

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The Ants have a rhythm of their own. They know how to turn their daily routine into their very own freestyle tune. Now that’s music to our ears.Howto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, March of the ants, ants, LATTJO animals, music
Fairy Tango

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The Fairies are in charge of all things color in the LATTJO universe, sometimes this can get a bit messy – especially when the Fairies are in charge of controlling traffic. Discover the rest of the LATTJO stories by following our adventures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #LATTJOHowto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, Fairy Tango
LATTJO puzzle

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Boo! Welcome to the world of LATTJO where no two puzzle pieces are the same. Embrace your individuality and together let's LATTJO.Howto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, Dreamworks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, LATTJO puzzle, puzzle
Bath time

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After a long day of play, Mu needs a bath with the help of Viktor! Although Mu isn’t quite done playing yet, Viktor is in for a soapy surprise! Discover the rest of the LATTJO stories by following our adventures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #LATTJOHowto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation (Production Company), IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, Viktor Vampier, Mu the Mummy
Lets do lunch

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What is the bat squad cooking up for lunch today? Let’s hope the Root Queen had a large breakfast. Discover the rest of the LATTJO stories by following our adventures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #LATTJOHowto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, Root Queen, Bat squad
Memory game

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How good is your memory? Try our new game and sharpen your memory skills while having fun! Discover the rest of the LATTJO world by following our adventures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #LATTJOHowto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Impotance of play, The LATTJO world, Lattjo Memory Game
Haunted house 2

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Viktor the Vampire loves building houses with cards, unfortunately the ghosts do too. But, what happens when the ghosts suddenly decides to leave Viktor the Vampire alone? Discover the rest of the LATTJO world by following our adventures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #LATTJOHowto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, IKEA & DreamWorks, DreamWorks animation, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, Lattjo Deck of Cards, Viktor the Vampire, Ghost, Haunted House
Morning melody

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Morning routines can be really boring. But Wiz have found a way to make them fun. Have you found yours? Discover the rest of the LATTJO world by following our adventures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #LATTJOHowto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, Wiz, Morning Music
Royal Thirsty

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The royal king has never been thirstier and would definitely need a glass of water during a hot day on the chess board. Discover the rest of the LATTJO world by following our adventures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #LATTJOHowto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, Royal King, Hot day, Thirst, Water
Royal Fetch

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Playing fetch without being able to run, has never been fun. Get the royal king to move with his dog by joining them in a chess game. Discover the rest of the LATTJO world by following our adventures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #LATTJOHowto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, Royal King, Dog, Fetch
Bowling puzzle

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Puzzling has been taken to another level. Play, strike and surprise! Discover the rest of the LATTJO world by following our adventures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #LATTJOHowto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, Lattjo Bowling Puzzle
LATTJO Marbles

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Playing with marbles can never be dull. Gather your friends and go! Discover the rest of the LATTJO world by following our adventures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #LATTJOHowto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, Lattjo Marbles
Cat Cake

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Don’t you just love eating cakes? Ronny the Robot and Cat sure does, even though it gets quite messy when they´re making them. Discover the rest of the LATTJO world by following our adventures on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram using #LATTJOHowto & Style
LATTJO, IKEA, PLAY, DreamWorks Animation, IKEA & DreamWorks, Importance of play, The LATTJO world, Lattjo Robot Costume, Cat, Ronny the Robot, Cake